Our partners

edEUcation ltd.

edEUcation is a consultancy specialising in working with schools, youth groups and training organisations on international projects in the UK and Europe. The consultancy is led by an experienced former secondary headteacher, whose school held the International Schools Award for its activities. He is assisted by four Associate consultants, with expertise in training, youth work and improving the standards of teaching and learning. edEUcation has strong links with HEIs, schools, youth and training organisations and national and local authorities. edEUcation has experience of Erasmus+ and the former Lifelong Learning Programmes of Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus and transversal projects.

edEUcation provides a range of services to organisations in the North of England aimed at school improvement, including up-skilling of language teachers, teacher and youth worker training, coaching and mentoring with continuing professional development in several EU countries, modelling teaching, including creative methodologies, and supporting organisations in developing international links. The range of edEUcation’s work including that of its Associates means that it has an extensive network which provides access to schools, training providers and agencies both in the UK and across Europe.

edEUcation has been involved as applicant or partner organisation in a number of Erasmus+ projects focused on language learning, entrepreneurial management, CPD and youth work. We have developed an extensive network of partners across Europe and continue our collaboration on new projects..

The philosophy of the company is to demonstrate effective improvement through practical activity.

Responsive image
  • 1 The Avenue, Richmond, DL10 7AZ North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
  • Viktor Markov - vik.markov@edeucation.com
  • www.edeucation.com

Project partners

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