Our partners


The association Les Cultures ONLUS – Laboratorio di cultura internazionale (International Culture Lab) was born in Lecco in 1993 with the aim to promote intercultural activities aimed at overcoming prejudices and stereotypes.

The spirit that animates our work is based on countering the claim of a society that excludes diversity, as well as promoting a true comparison, which is the basis for peaceful coexistence in the respect for difference.

Over the years, Les Cultures has consolidated its work areas, promoting social solidarity in Italy and abroad and increasing the activities aimed at disseminating knowledge of different cultures, through openness to stimuli and contributions from other nations.

The Association carries out projects aimed at integration and rights of migrants in schools and institutions of the Province of Lecco.

Abroad, Les Cultures has chosen to intervene in two distinct areas: in Africa with projects in health, education, environmental protection and support for economic activities of the Tuareg people of Niger and Mali and in Eastern Europe with therapeutic hospitality projects and distance support in favour of Ukrainian children in the Chernobyl region.

Les Cultures has worked since 1994 in partnership with Nigerien NGO AFAA in development projects in Niger. One of the main fields of action is related to develop an integrated approach to the food sovereignty issue. In the last years Les Cultures and AFAA have implemented different projects aimed at improving access to water, developing better management of natural resources, developing sustainable farming and preventing famine.

The association is led by a board of directors composed of volunteers, whose role is to make the strategic choices related to the association.

Les Cultures has a small professional team in Italy whose role is to coordinate all the ongoing activities and to look for funding opportunities for the different projects. For the implementation of our Italian projects we work with different professionals (teachers, facilitators, mediators…). For our overseas projects we work with local NGO’s, with which we have a strong relationship of trust and friendship. We have made the choice not to have expatriate staff in order to both maximize the money amount on the projects activities, and to enhance the role of our local partners. We believe that this approach to cooperation can assure long lasting results and a better sustainability of our interventions.

Responsive image
  • Via Cavour 90/m, 23900, Lecco (LC)
  • +39 0341284828
  • informazioni@lescultures.it
  • www.lescultures.it

Project partners

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